Phonetic Alphabet
10-0 Check your
10-1 Receiving poorly
10-2 Receiving well
10-3 Stop transmitting
10-4 Acknowledged (Confirmed)
10-5 Disregard
10-6 Busy
10-7 Out of service
10-8 In service
10-9 Repeat
10-10 Out of service – B/C of other phone / DC call
10-12 Radio Traffic Monitored – Most Restrictive
10-13 Advise weather and road conditions
10-20 What is your location ?
10-21 Call me by telephone, number _______
10-45 Beer
10-54 Estimated time of arrival
10-55 In route to _____________
10-64 Radio Traffic Monitored - General
10-65 Radio Free Traffic – No Restriction
10-97 Arrived at location ____________
10-98 Completed Your Request
Phonetic Alphabet
A -Adam
B -Boy
C -Charles
D -David
E -Edward
F -Frank
G -George
H -Henry
I -Ida
J -John
K -King
L -Lincoln
M -Mary
N -Nora
O -Ocean
P -Paul
Q -Queen
R -Robert
S -Sam
T -Tom
U -Union
V -Victor
W -William
X -X-Ray
Y -Young
Z -Zebra
Alfa |
Bravo |
Charlie |
Delta |
Echo |
Foxtrot |
Golf |
Hotel |
India |
Juliett |
Kilo |
Lima |
Mike |
November |
Oscar |
Papa |
Quebec |
Romeo |
Sierra |
Tango |
Uniform |
Victor |
Whiskey |
X-ray |
Yankee |
Zulu |